Yaroslavl city "___" _________
This agreement is drawn up between the the owner of a cattery "Baby Joy" Nikitina.S.F., hereinafter referred to as a Breeder and Miranda Potter Rilly, hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, together referred to as Parties have entered into this agreement as follows:
1.Subject of contract:
1.1. The buyer becomes owner rights and Owner sells the kitten of breed Canadian Sphynx:
Name: ________________ , color ___________________________, date of birth ____________________year.
2.Rights and obligations of the parties:
2.1. Breeder confirms that at the time of the sale the kitten is completely healthy,his fully vaccinated, dewormed,what should be entered in the veterinary Passport. Kitty twice vaccinated live vaccine against Chlamydia that can give false positive results with laboratory PCR,in connection with which further claims on the disease will not be accepted by Breeder.
2.2. The Buyer has the right to examine the kitten in a licensed veterinary clinic within 7 (seven) days from the date of purchase and,if found by Kitty health problems (upon presentation of a written judgement veterinarian,certified seal clinics of sicknesses kitten at the time of purchase) Buyer has the right to return the kitten to the Breeder.
In this case The Breeder returns to the Buyer 100% of the value of the kitten (no cost for maintenance and other costs of the Buyer).
At the end of the 5 (five) days claims for health kitten will not be accepted.
Breeder has the right to postpone the moment of return amount paid for the period up to 2weeks until fully examine the physical condition of a kitten after return, or after re-sale the kitten(at the discretion of the Breeder).
2.3. Getting the pedigree for the kitten is Buyer by independent treatment inthe Club for a fee of the Club.
2.4. The Buyer undertakes to ensure that acquired kitten due care and content, as well as timely veterinary care and vaccinate.
The pet must not be:
- contain in cells;
- have free access to the street and no balcony;
- be subjected to disposal operations of claws.
2.5. The Owner has no right under any circumstances drive acquired the pet out of the House, the pet may not be resold or leased without the written consent of the Breeder, the violation of any of these terms in accordance with article 151 RF is causing material damage to the breeding program and non-material damage (moral harm) to the cattery.
2.6. The Buyer is aware that ill-treatment of the pet (hunger,refusal to drink,beatings, and other violence),contrast with those of the principles of humanity, criminal offences, in accordance with article 245 of a CRIMINAL CODE RF
If the Breeder becomes aware of a bad physical condition of the pet or ill-treatment,the pet is immediately returns to the Breeder,without the return of earlier paid by the Buyer.
2.7. Breeder has the right to monitor conditions of detention and physical status of a bought kitten. The Owner has no right to refuse or hinder to the Breeder in this.
2.8. Breeder undertakes to provide advice to the owner in the contents of the and cultivation of a kitten as well as in its tribal use of after he reaches reproductive age.
2.9. The pet is owned (assets) the buyer in accordance with article 137 RF,under the terms of this Contract.
2.10. Breeder guarantees the quality of a kitten that the specified the present Contract at the time of the sale and gives no guarantees for the future about his exhibition career and reproductive traits.
2.11. If the kitten is sold as a PET-class that is mentioned in the pedigree, the Buyer undertakes to sterilize it, no later than 9 months of age. In the event of a breach of the ban on cultivation the Breeder has the right to demand,and the Buyer undertakes to pay the Breeder a fines equal to the cost of kitten.
If the kitten is sold as BREEDer-class, the Buyer should not complain to the Breeder if not mount his exhibition evaluations.
If the kitten is sold as the SHOW class, Breeder guarantees quality exhibition at the time of the sale and the lack of visible genetic defects.
Breeder is not responsible for the continued development and success of his Kitty exhibition career.
2.12. Buyer understands that gets a living creature, that cannot be is 100-percent guarantee that in a stressful situation, which is transfer (transport) a pet into a new House might fail with health of a passed kitten. in this case, the buyer shall first inform the Breeder and stick to it recommendations.
2.13. The Buyer confirms that he had received advice from a Breeder of contents and adapt of a kitten.
2.14. Decision of the Buyer's receipt of Kitty is informed, balanced and coherent including the interests of family members, neighbors, relatives,other animals in the House.
The Buyer assumes responsibility for adaptation of kitten at his home (with consultative support from a Breeder).
2.15. The Buyer (in the future Owner) has the right to return purchased kitten to a Breeder in any period since the preliminary harmonization fact and maturity, but without getting previously paid for Kitty amounts and without compensation for its content.
3.Terms of payment:
The cost of kitten under this Contract is ___________US dollar (.......).
Possible options of payment:
3.1. The full amount is paid at a time when the kitten taken at the signing of the Contract.
3.2. The choice of a kitten,the signing of this Contract and the date of the surrender of kitten to Buyer is agreed by parties,in this case the Buyer have to pay deposite of____________ and kitten is reserved for Buyer.
The deposite is taken into account when the final calculations at the time of the transfer Kitty.
3.3. Date of final payment and transfer the kitten to Buyer is "__"______________20____
3.4. After the specified in paragraph 3.3 date the Buyer shall pick up the kitten, paying the remainder the cost of kitten.
3.5. Failure by the Buyer of conditions paragraph 3.4 Breeder's discretion to take the Buyer's refusal to further the acquisition of a kitten,the deposit is not returned,and the present agreement is considered terminated.
3.6. In case of failure of Breeder to transfer Kitty after receiving the deposit,deposit refunded in double size. In case of impossibility to transfer the kitten to Buyer beyond the breeder reasons (illness, death or loss of the animal), the deposit fully returneds to the Buyer.
3.7. All additional costs that may accrue to the Breeder until transfer Kitty to the Buyer, shall be paid by the Buyer, further by separate agreement (bride pedigree at Club, veterinary certificate for the export of a kitten, kitten revaccination etc).
4.Other conditions:
4.1. This agreement is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of article 160, 161, 492, 497 and 500 CC RF in two copies,one for each of the parties,having equal legal force and shall enter into force upon its signing by both parties. Notarization is not required.
4.2. The responsibility of the parties established by this Contract and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.The coordinates and the personal information of parties:
5.1. Breeder: Nikitina.S.F. residing at: ___________________________________
5.2. Buyer: ____________________,residing at: __________________________Passport_____________,issued"___"________________yr_________________________________ Department code__________-________
Signing of parties:
Act of transferring a kitten.
Yaroslavle city "___"______________20____
This Act established that Nikitina.S.F. is referred, and a new Owner is_____________adopted a kitten name:_____________________
"__________"________________20__year of birth
- sex-male(female)
- breed-Canadian Sphynx
- color-
- class-tribal(pet,breed,show)
Together with the kitten to it the following documents:
- card (metric) of a kitten
- Veterinary Passport
- the contract of sale.
Kitty dewormed and twice vaccinated against infectious diseases, what is reflected in the veterinary Passport At the time of the transfer I have no any claims to a Kitten health. Kitty clinically healthy, mucous is clean, clean skin, no any visible defects of tail, etc.. the Buyer confirms that his dont have allergies to the cats neither his family members.
Nikitina.S.F. received the full cost of a kitten-________(_________________)rub.
Transmitted Adopted _____________Nikitina.S.F ____________________________
"____"______________20__ "____"_______________20__